What are the top 10 stories on advancements in gender equality in the workplace?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, but here are ten examples of advancements in gender equality in the workplace covered by various sources:

1. In 2021, the US Senate passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, which is designed to close the gender pay gap by strengthening equal pay laws.
2. In 2020, The New York Times reported that more women than men were being hired for leadership positions in the tech industry, indicating progress towards gender equality in a typically male-dominated field.
3. In 2019, the World Economic Forum reported that the global gender pay gap had decreased slightly year over year, suggesting ongoing progress towards fair compensation for women.
4. In 2018, California passed a law requiring publicly traded companies based in the state to have at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019, with an additional mandate for larger boards by 2021.
5. In 2017, Iceland became the first country in the world to require businesses to demonstrate that they pay employees equally regardless of gender, and to impose penalties on those who don’t comply.
6. In 2016, the US Department of Labor issued new guidelines that allow employers to proactively address gender and racial pay disparities in their workplaces.
7. In 2015, the United Nations introduced the Sustainable Development Goals, which include a goal specifically aimed at achieving gender equality and empowering women in communities and workplaces worldwide.
8. In 2014, LinkedIn launched a tool called “Gender Insights,” which allows companies and organizations to analyze their workforce to identify and address gender disparities in pay and representation.
9. In 2013, the European Union adopted a directive requiring member states to take steps to promote gender balance on corporate boards, with a minimum representation of 40% women on boards of large companies by 2020.
10. In 2012, Sheryl Sandberg published her influential book “Lean In,” which encouraged women to pursue leadership roles in the workplace and prompted discussions about the unique challenges faced by women in professional settings.

Jacob Harris

Jacob Harris

Nina Harris: A veteran sports journalist, Nina's blog posts offer in-depth analysis and coverage of major sporting events. Her insider knowledge and passionate writing style make her posts a must-read for sports fans.